


Date of birth September 2023
Mainly white Collie cross with the cutest and most distinctive freckles. Casper was surrendered as his owners could not manage his energy and resulting behaviour. Casper knows cats and has grown up with children (although we recommend children over 10 years so they don’t get bowled over). Casper is house-trained and enjoys going in the car. We have started working with him so he knows boundaries and how to calm down. He is a clever boy and agile, so we think he’d do really well with someone that knows the breed and would be willing to train obedience or agility with him, he’d excel!
To apply, please complete an application form


Stray, rescued, or unwanted Collies are taken in by Border Collie Rescue and undergo a thorough assessment and rehabilitation period before being re-homed. Additionally, the organization actively assists individuals in rehoming their Border Collies, ensuring a vetted process and suitable homes for the dogs.

The adoption fee is R1500.00 (R2500.00 for puppies) and includes the sterilisation (for puppies mandatory at 6 months), inoculations (for puppies one or two depending on age and time with us), microchipping and deworming of the Border Collie.

The decision to specialize in Border Collies stems from the observed negative effects of confining these energetic dogs in kennels. The rescue was established in 1998 to provide a safe haven where Border Collies could be kept in open spaces, preventing the detrimental effects of kennel confinement.

To sponsor a dog, please send us an email at